Sunday Services
8:30 am
Early Service
Held in the Linda Broxson Fellowship Hall
Casual Worship Style
Message, Music, Coffee and Doughnuts.
10:00 am
Worship Service
Held in the Sanctuary
A traditional, but relaxed, service.
Message, Choir, and Fellowship.
Programs and Activities
Prayer Team
The Prayer Team will offer prayers for anyone who is in need. We can pray for you or with you as requested.
We have name tags to identify the prayer team members during worship services.
For more information contact the Church Office.
Prayer Shawl
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry provides blankets or shawls that have been anointed and prayed over by our church family.
If there is someone you know who needs to be covered in prayer, please contact the Church Office.
Wednesdays at 10:30 am and Thursdays at 5:00pm in Broxson Fellowship Hall
Women of
Women of Grace fosters fellowship to further God’s plans and includes all women in the church through missions, social activities, and fundraising.
We support Bagdad Elementary School each year by donating school supplies and helping children in need. One of our annual highlights in December is the Christmas program for the kindergartners and first graders.
Throughout the year we donate needed items to organizations like the Santa Rosa Kids House, Life Options, and other nonprofits.
We invite all women in the church to share your talents and time with us!
Caring and Sharing Food Pantry
Congo Mission
Bagdad Methodist church as a part of the Alabama Emerald coast conference of the Global Methodist church supports our brothers and sisters of the Democratic Republic of Congo provisional conference of the GMC. To give to this mission effort please go to and click the donate button and type Congo Mission Fund into the message section
The AECC raised over $32,000 for this effort and purchased 15 motorcycles for the Presiding Elders of the Congo to travel and facilitate ministry within their district.